Actually, they are the cleanest I've ever seen. I've been lucky to ride on the L in Chicago, the subway in New York, the Tube in London, the Metro in Paris, and the Person...I mean People Mover in Detroit. None of them stand up to the cleanliness of the subway's here in Japan. Ok, the People Mover is pretty clean, but that's likely more a result of its lack of use. I kid because I love ya Detroit!
On a few Saturdays, we've been lucky enough to see the reason why. These women mean business and seem to take a lot of pride in it. I have no idea where they come from, but it seems there's an army of them that silently, yet earnestly go about their work spreading elbow grease. No sticky piece of trash goes un-scraped, and no stubborn brake dust gets by them.
Wow. The Metro/BART stations in SF are pretty clean, but it looks like you could eat Sushi off of these!