Three weeks ago, I was told that the morning radio's weather information had reported that Okinawa's rainy season had come and, thus, to buckle down in Nagoya. The season of rain was on it's way. Sure enough, last week it rained heavily for about two days. Everyone claimed Nagoya's rainy season had begun. The way they all sounded, life was about to get absolutely miserable. For the next few weeks clothes won't dry, food will mold, and bugs are going to come out of hiding. Since then, it has been gorgeous. Sorry, fellow Nagoya ex-pats, I know that as I type those last words it won't do me any good to go back and delete. The rain gods are already gleefully rubbing their hands at my ignorance.
Well, the mass media has already gotten everyone in a tizzy for the 'Fifth Season.' Glad to see stores are capitalizing off of it:
"Enjoy Rain." What an ad campaign! (I swear I didn't pay this lady to pose for me.)
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