Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recycle Me Silly - Work Style

The area in my office designated for recycling is equivalent to about 4 of my desks. Granted, I have very little space at my desk, but at least it gives you an idea of the priority placed on recycling in the office. Of course, you can also find places to recycle your aluminum cans or paper cups next to the vending machines in the halls, but the space I'm talking about is just for office goods.

Altogether there are 19 separate bins for our group, each with a different recycling designation. To be honest, I can't tell you what all of them are for. However, based on what I have had to throw out...ahem...recycle in the past 11 months working here, these are the categories that I know get recycled or disposed of and have their own designation:

The Obvious
  • White paper - confidential to be shredded
  • White paper - non-confidential
  • Magazines
  • Batteries
  • Kleenex or disposable tissue (actually burnable trash - but separate designation nonetheless)
  • Plastic or paper wrappers from snacks (actually non-burnable trash - but again, separate nonetheless)
The 'Huh, I guess you can recycle that'
  • Cardboard boxes - broken down and packaging tape removed
  • Color paper
  • Tape
The 'No kidding!?! We really have to do that?'
  • Used staples
  • Aluminum tops
  • The sticky part of Post-It notes torn from the Post-It Note itself
Two times a week after lunch, one team within our group has the responsibility of taking out the recycling and trash. On top of that, two members from each row are required to vacuum that row during this time. I don't know what happens with the recycling, and I'm sure my row and desk doesn't need vacuuming two times per week, but I think the teamwork/socialized behavior speaks volumes of the attitude in this country. If there's a process, standard cultural procedure mandates that you do it, lest you be the clog in the wheel.

1 comment:

  1. Your group has it hard on the recycling. Each day after lunch someone (I think he is maintenance because he also replaces light bulbs) comes and takes our recycling away.
